Russia’s Putin, Türkiye’s Erdogan to Meet Next Week after Ukraine Grain Deal Collapse 

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gestures as he speaks as he attends the Justice and Development (AK) Party's 22nd Foundation Anniversary Event at ATO Congresium, in Ankara, on August 24, 2023. (AFP)
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gestures as he speaks as he attends the Justice and Development (AK) Party's 22nd Foundation Anniversary Event at ATO Congresium, in Ankara, on August 24, 2023. (AFP)

Russia’s Putin, Türkiye’s Erdogan to Meet Next Week after Ukraine Grain Deal Collapse 

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gestures as he speaks as he attends the Justice and Development (AK) Party's 22nd Foundation Anniversary Event at ATO Congresium, in Ankara, on August 24, 2023. (AFP)
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gestures as he speaks as he attends the Justice and Development (AK) Party's 22nd Foundation Anniversary Event at ATO Congresium, in Ankara, on August 24, 2023. (AFP)

Russian President Vladimir Putin will host Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan for talks in the Black Sea resort of Sochi on Monday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Friday.

His remarks came after weeks of speculation about when and where the two leaders might meet next. Earlier this week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov hosted his Turkish counterpart for talks in Moscow.

Türkiye, together with the United Nations, brokered a deal in July 2022 that allowed Ukraine to ship grain and other foodstuffs from three Black Sea ports.

A separate memorandum between the UN and Russia, agreed at the same time, pledged to overcome obstacles to Moscow’s shipment of food and fertilizer to world markets.

However, Russia pulled out of the deals earlier this year, claiming that its conditions hadn’t been met.

Meanwhile, Russian officials said Friday that air defenses intercepted drones heading toward three of the country’s western regions, while satellite images indicated that a major drone barrage earlier in the week destroyed at least two Ilyushin Il-76 military transport planes at a Russian air base.

Regional governors said defense systems stopped three drones in the Kursk, Belgorod and Moscow regions.

Moscow airports briefly halted flights but no major damage or injuries were reported, according to Russian authorities.

Drones aimed at targets inside Russia — and blamed by Moscow on Ukraine — have become almost a daily occurrence as the war has entered its 19th month and Kyiv’s forces pursue a counteroffensive. Recently, the drones have reached deeper into Russia.

Kyiv officials normally neither claim nor deny responsibility for attacks on Russian soil.

The apparent Ukrainian strategy is to unnerve Russia and pile pressure on Putin.

The Associated Press was unable to determine whether the drones are launched from Ukraine or inside Russia.

Russia’s Putin to Visit North Korea on June 18-19

Russia's President Vladimir Putin visits Senezh Management Workshop before a meeting with participants of the "Time of Heroes" project established for Russian service members, who were involved in the country's military campaign in Ukraine and study to take up leadership positions in the state administration system, in the Moscow region's city of Solnechnogorsk, Russia June 14, 2024. (Sputnik/Alexander Kazakov/Pool via Reuters)
Russia's President Vladimir Putin visits Senezh Management Workshop before a meeting with participants of the "Time of Heroes" project established for Russian service members, who were involved in the country's military campaign in Ukraine and study to take up leadership positions in the state administration system, in the Moscow region's city of Solnechnogorsk, Russia June 14, 2024. (Sputnik/Alexander Kazakov/Pool via Reuters)

Russia’s Putin to Visit North Korea on June 18-19

Russia's President Vladimir Putin visits Senezh Management Workshop before a meeting with participants of the "Time of Heroes" project established for Russian service members, who were involved in the country's military campaign in Ukraine and study to take up leadership positions in the state administration system, in the Moscow region's city of Solnechnogorsk, Russia June 14, 2024. (Sputnik/Alexander Kazakov/Pool via Reuters)
Russia's President Vladimir Putin visits Senezh Management Workshop before a meeting with participants of the "Time of Heroes" project established for Russian service members, who were involved in the country's military campaign in Ukraine and study to take up leadership positions in the state administration system, in the Moscow region's city of Solnechnogorsk, Russia June 14, 2024. (Sputnik/Alexander Kazakov/Pool via Reuters)

Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit North Korea on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Kremlin said, an extremely rare trip that underscores Moscow's burgeoning partnership with the reclusive nuclear-armed state.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un extended an invite to Putin during a visit to Russia's Far East last September. Putin has not visited Pyongyang since July 2000.

"At the invitation of the Chairman of State Affairs of the DPRK, Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin will pay a friendly state visit to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on June 18-19," the Kremlin said.

After North Korea, Putin will visit Vietnam on June 19-20, the Kremlin said.

Russia has gone out of its way to publicize the renaissance of its relationship with North Korea since the start of the war in Ukraine, which has triggered the biggest crisis for more than 60 years in Moscow's relationship with the West.

For Putin, who says Russia is locked in an existential battle with the West over Ukraine, courting Kim allows him to needle Washington and its Asian allies while securing a deep supply of artillery for the Ukraine war.

The United States and its allies say North Korea has supplied weapons to Russia to help it fight in Ukraine, though North Korea has repeatedly denied the claims as fiction invented by Western propagandists.